Monday 23 April 2012


Bet you're all thinking 'Why is she so tall next to the stack of hat boxes?!' 'Is she some form of giant?' The answer to both is I am kneeling. 'Why?' You ask now. The answer is simple: I am too lazy to get my pile of books that I use to balance my camera on over so I figured this would be the easiest way! #lazyblogger also #toocheaptobuyatripodblogger

Anyways, this is the second time my lovely new H&M necklace has been featured on here. I love it so very much. It is such a perfect pale coral pink colour & it sits perfectly on the neck/chest area. I think it dresses up an all together very casual outfit.

I had a mild exam related breakdown earlier but I seem to have gotten it under control, topics have been selected now all I have to do is learn them... Que breakdown number two ladies & gentlemen it will be here before the week is out.

Tshirt, necklace & trousers H&M | Watch River Island

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